Sunday, June 21, 2009

Ese Hombre Is Too Cool For Me. Another Gym Rant.

Sunglasses. What would make somebody wear sunglasses inside the gym? Lights too bright? The sun is in your eyes? Witness protection program? No, those aren't it. I know what it is. Your too cool for everyone else or so you think. Actually it's because you're a douchebag and want everyone to notice you. Oh we noticed don't worry. Next time leave the sunglasses in your car and worry more about what you are actually doing in the gym instead of what you wearing and styling in the gym. And one more thing, lose the one size too small tank top you got from the International Male catalog. You know, the catalog that sells clothes to gays.

1 comment:

  1. Funny thing you say that about sun glasses.
    why are you wearing a hat inside? Lights too bright? The sun is in your eyes?
